martedì 19 febbraio 2008

Step 3: palazzo innevato

After Ulysses's boat, a classic problem of identity, and the introduction of the Pirate theme, through an exemplification of cultural piracy, (eCESSIvamente banale), a BAD reading of Nelson GOODman, poor chap.

The glyph on the right, which could be interpreted as being a stylised high-rise on a snowy field (thanks ballard) is a computer transcription (or reading) of a generic text. A model of interpretation, through a well-defined algorithm. To be noticed is the failure of a one-to-one mapping between the model and the object represented, between text and transcription. A model for criticism, therefore, but not only: there is also the concept of improper uses, second ends, the lability of the real, ecc ecc.

Extreme consequences.

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